Submitting a Request for Continuing Education Exemption
Per Rule §198 in the Louisiana Physical Therapy Board Practice Act and Rules
Qualifications for CE Exemptions
1. Military Service
- A licensee who is on extended active military service for a period in excess of three months during the applicable reporting period;
- A licensee who is a member of the armed forces reserves and called to active military service will have his CEUs prorated in proportion to the number of months of documented active duty;
- A licensee whose license expires during a period of active military service will be given a complete waiver of continuing education requirements for the renewal period in which he is activated; or
- Active duty military personnel shall be exempt proportionally for continuing education for months of documented active service in the renewal cycle during which active military service terminates.
2. Personal Hardship
- Illness,
- Natural Disaster, or
- Other Personal Hardship
Procedures for Submitting an Exemption Request
- Mail a written request stating specifically what you are requesting. For example, specify if you are asking the Board for an extended period for compliance or for an exemption of a certain number of hours or other requirement of §194. Clearly articulate how the requirements of the Rule §198.B apply.
- Include supporting documentation such as letters from your employer or doctor, insurance claims, etc.
- Request must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the end of the renewal period for which the exemption is sought, or immediately after the licensee becomes aware of the facts or circumstances upon which the exemption is sought, whichever is later.
- Mail your request and supporting documents to the Board office. (Be advised that any requests submitted through email or fax will NOT be accepted.)
Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
214 Jefferson St
Suite 102
Lafayette, Louisiana 70501
§198. Exemptions from CE Requirements
Louisiana Physical Therapy Board Practice Act and Rules
B. Upon approval by the board of a written request made in compliance with Subsection C, the board may extend the period for compliance or exempt the following from compliance with the Subchapter J. continuing education requirements:
1. Licensees on extended active military service for a period in excess of three months during the applicable reporting period; or
2. Licensees who are unable to fulfill the requirement because of illness, natural disaster, or other personal hardship.
C. Written requests for an exemption under Subsection B, including supporting documentation, must be received by the board at least 45 days prior to the end of the renewal period for which the exemption is sought, or immediately after the licensee becomes aware of the facts or circumstances upon which the exemption is sought, whichever is later.
1. A licensee who is a member of the armed forces reserves and called to active military service will have his CEUs prorated in proportion to the number of months of documented active duty.
2. A licensee whose license expires during a period of active military service will be given a complete waiver of continuing education requirements for the renewal period in which he is activated. Active duty military personnel shall be exempt proportionally for continuing education for months of documented active service in the renewal cycle during which active military service terminates.