Reactivating an Inactive License
Reactivating an Inactive License:
When a licensee wishes to reactivate their inactive license, they must:
- Provide documentation satisfactory to the board of completion of the continuing education requirements specified in §194 for the continuing education period immediately preceding reactivation.
- Provide documentation satisfactory to the board that they have engaged in physical therapy practice in any jurisdiction or country within four years preceding their request to restore active license status.
**If the licensee has not engaged in physical therapy practice in any jurisdiction or country for a period of four years or more they must:
- Complete a three-month period of supervised clinical practice.
- Only practice under the on-premises supervision of a board approved PT who has practiced no less than three years with a Louisiana license in good standing.
- Show completion of the practice assessment and satisfactory completion of continuing education courses indicated by that tool to bring the licensee’s knowledge to current standards.
- Only practice in those facilities and under the supervision of the PT named in the approved supervision agreement.
**Completion of remedial courses may be prescribed by the board.
***Please note: The inactive status of any licensee does not deprive the board of its authority to institute or continue any disciplinary or enforcement action against the licensee.